Monday, November 3, 2008

Second Post for today!!

Q: Love someone?
♥ YES!
Q: Who is that someone?
♥ Don tel eu.

Q: Kissed someone on your top friends?
♥ nopes.
Q: Been arrested?
♥ Nopes.
Q: Been searched?
♥ Noo.
Q: Been suspended from school?
♥ Nah!
Q: Sat on a roof top?
Q: Broken a bone?
♥ Never.
Q: Have shaved your head?
♥ Nooo.
Q: Played a prank on someone?
♥ Hahas, yeaps.
Q: Shot a gun?
♥ Nopes.
Q: Donated Blood?
♥ Nopes.
1 You hung out with?
♥ My cousins.
2 Last person that you texted?
♥ Kiran.
3 You were in a car with?
♥ Cousins.
4 Went to the movies with
♥ Cousins.
5 Went to the mall with?
♥ umm....did not go luhh
6 Person you talked on the phone with?
♥ Ermm, i guess my mum.
7 Person that called you?
♥ Hahas,my mum!
8 You messaged on myspace?
♥ I don have onee.
9 You talked to?
♥ Jus talked to my mum.
10 You miss?
♥ Th past!
11 You hugged?
♥ Someone luh, don rmb hu.
1 Eat or drink?
♥ Eat.

2 Be serious or be funny?
♥ Funny.
3 Drink whole milk or skimmed milk?

♥ Eww,i don lyke drinking milk!
4 Die in a fire or die getting shot?
♥ Getting shot.
5 Go to the bar or to the beach
♥ Beach ofcourse.
1 Sun or moon?
♥ Moon.
2 Winter or fall?
♥ Winter.
3 Left or right?
♥ Left.
4 Black and white or colored?
♥ Coloured.
5 Where do you live?
♥ In spore.
6 Do you wanna get married?
♥ Not now.
7 What is on your mind?
♥ Hmm, abt my results!

8 Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
♥ Twirl.
1 Kissed someone?
♥ nopes.
2 Been hugged by someone?
♥ not sure.
3 Been poked by someone?
♥ Hmm,yeaps.

This is about how stupid guys can get!!!

> If u TREAT him nicely, he says u are IN LOVE with him..

> If u Don't, he says ur SUPLADA.

> If u DRESS Nicely, he says u are trying to LURE him;

> If u Don't, he says ur BADUY.

> If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN;

> If u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS.

> If u are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE;

> If he's Smarter than u, he is GREAT.

> If u don't Love him, he tries to POSSESS u;

> If u Love him, he will try to LEAVE u.

> If u don't make love with him, he says u don't Love him;

> If u do, he says ur EASY.

> If u tell him your PROBLEM, he says u are TROUBLESOME;

> If u don't, he says that u don't TRUST him.

> If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANAY to him;

> If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u.

> If u BREAK your PROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED;

> If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so.

> If u SMOKES, u are BAD girl;

> If he SMOKES, "it's part of manhood".

> If u do WELL in your exams, he says it's LUCK;

> if he does WELL, it's BRAINS.

> If u HURT him, u are CRUEL;

> If he HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE so hard to please.

> If u send this to guys, they will swear that it's not true...but if u don't, they say u are selfish...

> The moral of the story is.......




> 1. Besides your lips, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?

- Cheeks. Aww.

> 2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?

- tired laa

> 3. Who was the last person you took a picture of?

- My cousin :D
>0 4. How often do you see your ex?

- i dun have one

> 5. Would you ever donate blood?

- if it did'nt hurt

> 6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?

- yeahh

> 7. Do you want someone dead?

- wht th?

> 8. What does your last text message say?

- cant remember
> 9. What are you thinking about right now?

- about this stupid survey wasting my time

> 10. Do you wish someone was with you right now?

- no,i wanna b alone till tomoro

> 11. What time did you go to sleep last night?

- 0100
> 12. Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing now?

-i got it for free:)
> 13. Is someone on your mind right now?

- yeah.

> 14. Have you ever been in a hotel room with a friend of the opposite sex?

- cousin cann?

> 15. Who was the last person to text you?

- tasmin
> 16. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?

- IDK{!} *_*

> 17. What are you listening to right now?

- silence*

> 18. Did you sing at all today?

- sing ? th whole day :D

> 19. When's the last time you cried?

- dont knw, dont care

> 20. Who were you with yesterday?

- my family

> 21. Do you miss anyone?

- yess
> 22. Who was the last person in your bed?

- me,myself&Il :D
> 23. Have you ever drank with your number one?

- drink water ,yess :D

> 24. If someone liked you right now would you want them to tell you?

- yeah sure whyy nt?

> 25. Do you want someone you can't have?

- yeahh !Lewis Hamilton ! HAHA!
> 26. When did you last talk to your brother or sister?

- Yesterday night
> 27. Where were you at 2:02 am this morning?

- sleeping laa

> 29. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?

- yeahh

> 30. Do you want to tell someone something?


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