Thursday, October 9, 2008

Some quiz Simone ask me to do

[ ]made out with someone before dating
[x]got a phone taken away in class
[x]got caught eating chewing gum
[ ]got caught cheating on a test

Total so far:2

[x]arrived in class more than five times
[x]didn't do homework over five times
[x]turned out at least three projects late
[ ]missed school just because you felt like it
[x]laughed out so loud that you got kicked out of class

Total so far:6

[ ]got your parent,etc. to get you out of school
[x]text people during class
[x]passed notes during class
[x]threw stuff around the classroom
[x]laughed at teacher

Total so far:10

[x]took pictures during school hours
[x]called someone during school hours
[x]listen to music during school hours

Total so far:13

[x]threw something at teacher
[x]went out of class without permission
[x]broke the dress code
[ ]failed to go class for a lesson
[x]ate food during class

Total so far:17

[x]gotton a call from school(reminder of something for me,simarpreet)
[ ]could not go on a field trip because of misbehaviour
[ ]gave the teacher a finger when she/he was looking
[x]swore during school/class

Total so far:19

[ ]forged your parents signaure
[x]slept in class
[x]cursed at your teacher
[x]copied homework
[ ]got into trouble with the vice principle

Total so far:22


So i am 66% a gangster
oh ya and why are some people so scared of me when walk towards them???


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