Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back after a long time
Sorry never post for quite long cause quite busy these days

Prelims over but not happy with results
Not bothered to write here
But now decide to

i only happy with my punjabi results cause got a high A
But for PSLE punjabi want to get A*
i know i can do it
It is not impossible

For maths want to get A eng get A sci get A*
mr chan say everyone can reach their goal if they work for it
i believe in myself that i can achieve my goals if i want to
it all depends if i want to study hard enough to reach my goal
even ms teo say so

umm...put that aside cause its getting BORING!
so nowadays i getting less playful(thats what i think dunno about all of you)

so just some questions i saw on my friends blog and decided to answer them

1)What do you think a ideal best friends should be like?


2)If you have a dream come true what would it be?

Ans:Friends Forever

3)What would you do if you had a billion dollars?

Ans:Anything i want

4)Describe yourself in three words.


5)Which one more blessed,loving someone or being loved by someone?

Ans:Being loved by someone

6)What's the wish you will make this very moment?

Ans:No more PSLE!!!

7)Do you believe in ghosts?


8)If the person you like is secretly attached what would you do?

Ans:Dun care la!

9)Who are currently the most important prople to you


10)How would you rate your perfection of life now?On the scale of ten

Ans:Abt 7-9

This picture is always going to remind me of my cousins whom i usually put up a dance with..

This dance was for Pitu birthday party....we were practicing for it when something when wrong at the ending part i did the wrong step and did that move that i am doing in the picture(the centre one)
it was damn candid ah

damn shiok

will post soon



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