Wednesday, June 3, 2009

1. The person who tagged you to do this quiz-Vivien
2. Your relationship with him/her- My girlf
3. Your first impression of him/her- Smart;cute;adorable

4. Do you think you are better looking than him/her- Dont know

5. The most memorable thing he/she said to you- I love you too(:

6. If he/she becomes your lover- Depends if she turns into a lesbo but she wouldnt(:
7. Do you think you have anything in common-Dont know. :)
8. If he/she becomes your enemy- That would never happen.
cause shes my girlf
9. Do you think you are smarter than him/her- Nopes
10. Is this person pretty/handsome/hot- Ya :)

11. Your overall impression of him/her- Adorable in everybody's eyes

12. How would you think this person feels about you- Ask her yourself(:
13. Would you wanna be her-I appreciate myself for who i am
14. Is this person crazy?- Sometimes(:
15. Is this person sexy?- Ask the boys. :)


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