Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Heyho~~ Long time since i last posted huh? Yeahyeah i know. I'm already starting to miss school. I miss many of my girlfriends. Pei Wen,Aishwarya,Rachel,Deborah,Aysha,Joey&&Many many more ! They all rock the shit out of me in school everyday bitches! BIG NEWS! Pamela joined volleyball. It's like not the right time to join. I mean its already five months. &&Now Pei Wen's in netball-.- WTF. Now no more slacking so much siaa. I'm gonna miss all those times we slack with each other so much. Anyways,I will be MIA-ING for four dayss.
Im gonna miss everyone.
Anyways,Will be going on the 4th of June && will be back on the
7 th Of june(: Im gonna miss everyone
I'm planning to meet up with Pei wen in the morning first
Hehe.I have to buy for her something!
Oh talking about tht i have to buy something for Gurvinder also(:
Im gonna miss her and her nonsense also):
&&****** you did make me promise.
****** stop denying!
***** case is so big that *** *** going to settle with her when ****** come back from USA
So dear readers this is what happened.
****** ask *** *** in the morning when it was ******'s last day to go out
*** *** say she going out with ******.
Then ****** and *** *** quarrel..
Then ****** say *** *** step ah lian
Then *** *** say when ****** come back she will show her whats a real ah lian loh
Now ****** scared
Who ask ****** to mess around with *** ***

Okay i'm done here
Shall post more later


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