Monday, June 22, 2009
Im back after a looooonnng time
Have been busy with my precious and most important people
My Family(:
Its been fun these 3 weeks with my family
most fun was when we went to mantin,malaysia
It was damn fun la!
tell you everything another dayy.
anyways tasmin is being such a bitch now!
fuck her mannzx
Think she so big ah
even called me the biggest bitch!
damn herr....
okay shall another dayy
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
1. The person who tagged you to do this quiz-Vivien
2. Your relationship with him/her- My girlf
3. Your first impression of him/her- Smart;cute;adorable
4. Do you think you are better looking than him/her- Dont know
5. The most memorable thing he/she said to you- I love you too(:
6. If he/she becomes your lover- Depends if she turns into a lesbo but she wouldnt(:
7. Do you think you have anything in common-Dont know. :)
8. If he/she becomes your enemy- That would never happen. cause shes my girlf
9. Do you think you are smarter than him/her- Nopes
10. Is this person pretty/handsome/hot- Ya :)
11. Your overall impression of him/her- Adorable in everybody's eyes
12. How would you think this person feels about you- Ask her yourself(:
13. Would you wanna be her-I appreciate myself for who i am
14. Is this person crazy?- Sometimes(:
15. Is this person sexy?- Ask the boys. :)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

1. Real name : Simarpreet Kaur♥
2. Nickname : PREEEEEEEEET♥ !
3. Star sign : Cancer♥
4. Male or female : Female
5. Primary school : Gongshang Primary School♥
6. Secondary school : St. Hilda's secondary school♥
7. JC/POLY : None of the above
8. Hair color : Brown♥
9. Long or short : Freaking Long♥ !!!
10 . Loud or Quiet : LOUD !!!
11. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans
12. Phone or camera : Phone .
13. Health freak : Nope
14 . Drink or smoke : Sometimes drink ?
15 . Do you have a crush on someone : OF COURSEEEE...
16 . Eat or drink : Both .
17 . Piercings : yea!
18 . Tattoos : Nope
Have you ever:
19. Been in an airplane : Nopes
20 . Been in a relationship : Yeap.
21 . Been in a car accident : Yea.
22 . Been in a fist fight : Yea
23. First piercing : Ears.
24 . First best friend : Wong Pei Wen♥ .
25. First award : Best in progress
26 . First Crush : ******
27 . First Vacation : Malaysia?
28 . Last person you talked to :Wong Pei Wen♥ .
29 . Last person you texted to :Firdauz.
330 . Last person(s) you watched a movie with:Umm... Cousins.
32. Last food you ate : Bread with butter(:
33 . Last movie you watched : Angels & Demons.
34 . Last song you listened to : Thinking of you-Katy Perry .
35 . Last thing you bought : Ice-cream(:
36 . Last person you hugged : Wong Pei Wen♥.
37 . Food : Spaghetti♥ .
38. Drinks : Manyy
39 . Clothing : Shorts&&polo tees.
40 . Books: Ellen Hopkins's Books!.
41 . Song : David Cook-Permanent♥
42 . Flower : Roses.
43 . Colors : Hot pink,baby blue,purple,&&many more
44 . Movies :Dont know
45 . Phrase: O.o.
46 . Subjects : Eng
You ever done before:
47 . Kissed in the snow : No.
48 . Celebrated Halloween : Yea.
49. Had your heart broken : Yea
50 . Went over the minutes on your cell phone : Everytime
51 . Someone questioned your sexual orientation : Dont know
52 : Came out of the closest : Duh
53 . Gotten pregnant : No!
54 . Had an abortion : If i never got pregnant how am i suppose to get an abortion?
55 . Done something you've regretted : yeah. alot.
56 . Broke a promise : yeah.
57 . Hid a secret : Have, many!
58 . Pretended to be happy : Yeah.
59 . met someone who changed your life : yeah.
60.pretended to be sick : Yeah
61 . Left the country : DUH!
62 . Tried something you normally wouldn't try & liked it : Yeah.
63 . Cried over the silliest thing : Yeah..
64 . Ran a mile : Think so.
65 . Went to the beach with your best friend(s) : 6.5'08 class gathering!
66 . Stay single the whole year : Yeahh
67 . Eating : No.
68. Drinking : No.
69. I'm about ton : Huh?
70 . Listening to : Pokerface-Lady Gaga.
71 . Plans for tomorrow : Morning meet Wong Pei Wen♥ then go home get ready to go off the Malaysia(:
72 . Waiting for :Tomorrow!
73 . Want kids : YES!
74. Want to get married : Maybe.
75 . Careers in mind : Not at the moment(:.
76 . Which is better than Girl / Boy : Both(:
76 . Lips or eyes : Both
77 . Shorter or taller :Medium?
78 . Romantic or spontaneous : Romantic
79 . Nice stomach or nice arms : Both
80. Sensitive or loud : loud
81 . Hook-up or relationship :Nopes.
82. Trouble-maker or hesitant : Trouble-maker
Have you ever:
83. Lost glasses/ contacts : Never had any(:
84. Ran away from home : No.
85. Hold a gun or knife for self defense :Yeaa.Knife(: (was pretending to fight with my sister)
86 . Killed somebody : Nope.
87 . Broken someone's heart :Yeah. sorry.
88 . Been arrested : Nope.
89. Cried when someone died :Nobody i loved has died so far(:
Do you believe in:
90 . yourself : of course
91. Miracles : Sometimes
92 . Love at first sight :YES!
93 . Heaven : maybe?
94 . Santa Claus : Yeaa
95 . Sex on the first date : Nope
96 . Kiss on the first date : Maybe.
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now : Duh
98 . Are you seriously happy with where you are in life : Hell yeah..

Second post for the day
Pei Wen says that Aaron can camouflage in the dark which is so true siaa
No offense ah Aaron ,RELAX!Hehe
Im so gonna miss everyone when im off to malaysia manzx
Most importantly Pei Wen && her retarededness
Found out that ***** going india
Become black and come back la!
Just kidding(:
Ahh....Dont want to post already la
I will

Im gonna miss everyone.
Anyways,Will be going on the 4th of June && will be back on the 7 th Of june(: Im gonna miss everyone
I'm planning to meet up with Pei wen in the morning first
Hehe.I have to buy for her something!
Oh talking about tht i have to buy something for Gurvinder also(:
Im gonna miss her and her nonsense also):
&&****** you did make me promise.
****** stop denying!
***** case is so big that *** *** going to settle with her when ****** come back from USA
So dear readers this is what happened.
****** ask *** *** in the morning when it was ******'s last day to go out
*** *** say she going out with ******.
Then ****** and *** *** quarrel..
Then ****** say *** *** step ah lian
Then *** *** say when ****** come back she will show her whats a real ah lian loh
Now ****** scared
Who ask ****** to mess around with *** ***
Okay i'm done here
Shall post more later