Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
F.Y.I: "Stop acting like a bitch in class"~~ blah blah . Speak of yourself ! hello ? Don't like what you see ? Too baddd... Its none of your business anyway , why do you care ? In love with me aren't you ? Love and care for me , tell me to stop being bitchy & be a good person ./ Right... okay ; why not you change ? You're not so perfect either ; loser?
Chloe , get a life okay ? Nobody would listen to your excuses . Just accept the fucking fact that people hate you and your face . Bloody double chin freak . Who the fuck want to be in love with you siol . Mak kau uh !
I got better people to love other than wasting my love on you .
Think so cute uh .
Shout shout shout . Voice irritating siaa .
I have never said that i'm perfect . Idiot .
Calling me loser ?
See who's the loser . _l_
Kau giler uh !
I know you dont understand malay so shut up
Just change school uh .
You should know by now , a lot of people find you irritating .
Think slack slack slack so cool ready uh ?
Go get a fucking proper life uh .
I dont want waste time on her ready uhhh !
Let her learn her lesson herself uh .
You're gonna be asked unique questions, you ready?
Uh huh ? Okayy
What do you want for your birthday?
Okay i have a whole list of things. Handphone,more clothes,new contacts,dresses,leggings,pull overs,guitar hero,manymanymore (:
Ever kissed someone who's name starts with an "A" or "S"? Yesyesyes . My baby cousin (:
When's the last time you said you were okay, but really weren't?
Today -.-
Congratulations, you just had a baby boy! What's his name?
Umm...Havent decided ! LOL!
Congratulations, you just had a baby girl! What's her name? You see the answer before this question ?
Thats the answer (:
When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
Just now at street soccer court .
Is there anyone who doesn't like you?
Maybe . I will not like them too (:
Is there anyone who likes you?
Am i suppose to know ?
Do you consider yourself lucky?
Sometimes . Like just now. Ball just went pass my ear !
Do you like your best friends boyfriend/girlfriend?
See first . Attitude nice and kind then ya (:
Are you mad at someone right now?
Hell yea !
Who did you spend your summer with last year?
My family and friends uh !
Where did you get the shirt your wearing?
School ?
Who last texted you?
Do you miss anyone?
Hehehehe . Maybe ? Pei wen , mairah , zaty , aish , nurush , &more
Do you believe ex's can be friends?
Of course .
Who did you last take a picture with?
Mairah (:
Is anything bothering you?
Of course .
What's on your bed?
Cant see .Its a room away (:
Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your own bed?
Mairah shoulder (: But it was bumpy(:
Have you kissed anyone in the past 24 hours?
Yea . My mum ! Have a best friend? Yeap (: Pei wen (:
Are you in a good mood right now?
Kind of . Hearing a hyper song thats why (:
Do you think that you have made a difference in someones life?
Of course .
Is there someone who has made a difference in your life?
Yesyesyes .
What's the nicest thing someone has done for you yesterday?
Uhh . Get for me the soccer ball and buy drink .
When is the last time you cried?
Today .
Will this weekend be a good one?
Maybee .
Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?
Who the fuck will do that sia ?
Where do you want to live when you are older?
Somewhere beautiful , peaceful , and perfect
What did you dream last night?
Uhh , i was playing soccer i think
Are you named after anyone?
Maybe ?
Have you ever caught a fish?
Yesyesyes . It was funny .
What color are your eyes?
Blue with contacts and brown without
Who was the last person you said I love you to:
Dont remember
Do you enjoy going through the car wash?
Maybe .
Tell me how you got one of your scars?
Whack against the cupboard . Near my toe . Dont know how to explain where uh !
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
Yesyesyes .
Does it annoy you when people play dumb?
No . I play along (:
Have your past mistakes made you wiser?
Dont know
Do you hate to hug people?
Maybe .
Do you look at old pictures of yourself and laugh?
What makes you happy?
Many many thing uh . Windsurfing (:And when manchester lost to liverpool (:
Do you think anyone reads your surveys?
Its on my blog -.-
Bored shit uh !
Currently listening to Patron Tequila (:
Another quiz ?
Ah dont want
If you like someone, does his or her name start with a B,K,H,N,R,J,C,S?
What are you doing tomorrow?
*Enjoying life!
Do you miss anyone?
* Yesyesyes
Are you wearing socks?
*Do you think i'll be that stupid to wear sockes at home ?
Do you regret something you did the day before yesterday?
Do you have anything in your pockets right now?
*Nope .
What are you wearing right now?
* FBT and school shirt
Do/did you do good in school?
* Maybe (:
Have you made any mistakes recently?
* Yesyesyes!
Is someone on your mind right now?
*Yesyesyes !
Where were you at 2:02 am this morning?
* Sleeping like a pig (:
Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
* Dont want to be
Anyone told you a secret this week?
* Uhhuh .
Do you have a good relationship with your father?
* Not really i guess
When was the last time you bought something?
*Today .
Are you mad at anyone?
* Not really .
In the next 3 months, what things are you looking forward to?
* Being in school sulking .
What color is the thing you are sitting on right now?
* White . The floor .
Are you high?
What is your desktop picture?
* My and my sist (:
Do you shop for clothes?
* Yesyesyes .
Are you listening to music right now?
* Yesyesyes
Who else is in the room with you?
*Im alone at home
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
* Yesyesyes
Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?
* Nope .
Have you ever made a mistake?
* Then ?
How are you?
* Okay ?
What page are you on in the book you're reading right now?
*Do you think i read books ?
Do you still live with your parents?
* My mum (:
Do you ever miss high school?
* Of course i will when i get out of it ,
What have you done lately that you're proud of?
* Kick a ball over a high fence (:
What did you do today?
* Slacked at street soccer court .
What did you do yesterday?
* Same as today .
How loud do you play your music?
*Very loud
Where were you 2 hours ago?
* Under my block
What do you think of your last kiss?
* ?
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hello (:
I dont feel like blogging these dayss (:
And Chloe , stop acting like a bitch in class
People have a limit to tolerate your nonsense
Who cares if you top the class for art ?
Who even bothers about art besides those people who likes art ??
Im not gonna waste my time on her uh
Let her act like someone childish girl.
Schools ending soon !
-.- it had to end fast .
You lie to me !
Say so many things then go patch with her.
Uh ! DOG .
Mairah , make it up to himm .
You didnt even meet her -.-
I guess you have to take care of this with himm .
I dont wna interfere even if you ask me for help.
Sorry :(
Sorry a ton
Ahh .
Addicted to the song Down By Jay Sean !
And Patron Tequila By Paradiso Girls
And Party In the U.S.A By Miley Cyrus
&& Many many moree
I have two mosquito bites . Sucks uh .
How to get rid of it uh ?
And you wont retain pei wen
Just pray hardd
I know you wont
And zaty , come to school more often -.-
Aish , your hairstyle is like mine noww . We have same hairstyle and dress . COOL !
Nurush , stop being sick . More sick than before bodoh !
Aysha , let me sit at your place for the whole of next week (:
Justin , can you shut up in class ? Your voice quite irritating cause its deep .
Leonard , you too . SHUT UP IN CLASS . Voice like one kind sial .
Zoey , stop being so emo in class . Doesnt suit that pretty face of yours (:
Fird , dont just stomp off without saying bye okay ?
Freeze , you too . Say bye next time !
Pei Wen , please please stop saying we pangsei you . We have to go home and you met up with rachel . (:
Vivien , youre adorable .
Jeannie , youre pretty .
Jaime , stop making me jealous of your height ! Youre only 1 cm taller than me i think !
Bao Wei , you change a lot.
Mairah , you very pretty . CHEY !
Man !
Why must school finish so early ?!?!?!
Leaving in 18 days i guess ?
Will be away for a month .
Will miss everyone i know i think . LOL!
Coming back 9 dec (:
Then going samelan i guess . So not free until the 13 dec .
After which i'll be spending the next one or two days sleeping i guess .
Tight schedule bodoh !
Screw exams !
Too scared to tell my mum the real truth .
Maybe im just gonna show her report book (:
Thats all for now i guess